Sat Jun 30, 2007 at 21:48:31 PM EDT
Donna 5, originally uploaded by Isaac Smith. So I went to Watkins Park near Upper Marlboro today to see Donna Edwards start in earnest her campaign to defeat Rep. Al Wynn in 2008. At first, unable to find the gathering, I had thought it had been canceled, due to the intermittent rain. Then I found the right pavilion, and the weather cleared up, so all turned out well. There were about 60 to 70 people there, with a large grill and a DJ playing R&B. But for the many t-shirts, stickers, and signs emblazoned with "Donna Edwards for Congress," one could have mistaken the event for one of the many other barbeques going on at the park today. The atmosphere was relaxed, but the people there were clearly enthusiastic about seeing Donna, who in her speech came off as personable and down-to-earth -- very unlike the stereotype of the aloof politician. |
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Sat Jun 30, 2007 at 19:39:01 PM EDT
Flip-Flops, originally uploaded by Isaac Smith. A table of flip-flops at the campaign kickoff event for congressional candidate Donna Edwards earlier today. Each pair has attached a piece of paper with the present position on a given issue of opponent, Rep. Al Wynn, on the front, and his past position on the back, thus illustrating his many "flip-flops". |
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Fri Jun 29, 2007 at 14:41:56 PM EDT
The folks at MyDD have an interview with netroots darling and local hero Donna Edwards; check it out. Also, if you're in the neighborhood, head over to Donna's campaign kickoff in Upper Marlboro tomorrow. |
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Wed Jun 27, 2007 at 19:24:59 PM EDT
Dear Friend, We know that this country faces very serious problems. We are bogged down in Iraq, gas prices are high and we're ruining the world's environment. Going to the doctor is a nightmare of paperwork and a lot of us cannot even afford to make an appointment. Our schools are rundown, our children are struggling, and our teachers do more testing than teaching. Meanwhile, the television is full of unimportant stories about Paris Hilton and celebrity mishaps. There's a sickness in our country today, a slow, ill-at-ease feeling, a sense that the big things and the little things have gone wrong, an understanding that where we need big leadership and risk-taking, there isn't any, and where we need prudence and caution, we find only greed and a desire to take the easy way out.Well, I'm not ready to give up. That's why I'm running for Congress again, and that's why I'm asking you to help me change the country. It's not enough to elect Democrats, we need to elect leaders. Please consider a $100 contribution to help us reach our campaign goal for the quarter ending June 30. I guarantee you that it will be the proudest investment you'll make this year. To reach our goal, we need 100 people to each make a $100 contribution. I'm asking you to be one of them, and for a very specific reason. Please contribute today -- and help us reach our 100 new donor goal! |
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Tue Jun 26, 2007 at 12:08:13 PM EDT
Why does it seem that everyone involved with Al Wynn finds it necessary to use intimidation against the Donna Edwards campaign? Lets look at the most recent incident as covered in the Gazette. There was a brief sideshow last week in Lanham as the State Central Committee voted in Michael Cryor as its new party chairman when congressional candidate Donna Edwards was tossed out of the meeting. Edwards, who is challenging U.S. Rep. Albert Wynn (D-Dist. 4) of Mitchellville, was in the crowd with campaign materials when the encounter happened. One of the electrical union reps who runs the Lanham building where the event was being held apparently didn’t appreciate her presence, and confronted her. Edwards said Charles Graham, one of the managers for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers local 26 office, told her he was a Wynn supporter and that she was ‘‘not welcome.” So she left. But she said others in the room had on buttons for presidential candidates, so she felt she should be able to campaign as well. Edwards was indignant. ‘‘I’m a lifelong Democrat, and I felt that those are things that should be open to all in the party,” she said. ‘‘I’m not going to be intimidated ... or mistreated in the process [of campaigning].”
Its sad that this is the sort of thing we have come to expect from Wynn and his supporters. |
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Tue Jun 19, 2007 at 07:30:46 AM EDT
Okay Western MD Dems! This is your chance to take out the Republican for good! Maryland is hot this up coming election not just for the presidental race but 3 Dems are going to fight it out in the 4th, 1st, and 6th districts againist Reps, who have been in office a very long time! We need freah faces and ideas to battle the furture of the country! Do not take those running lightly! They need money, support, and blogging! Having met all three, I was impressed by their drive and grassroots support that they have built and are building! Pop on to their web sites and drop them a line or a little cash. The big R party had the money piece down pat and we Dems need to step up to the plate and help out! most of those running have events going on all around the state and are more then willing to speak to anyone about current issues and ways to improve the running of the House! While attending the KOS fund raiser, I was able to speak with both Edwards and Duck. Both gave wonderful short speechs ( the room was very very hot) about the attack of our rights as members of the USA and we take these rights for granted! Very impressive and MD has a lot to proud of! So come on guys! Let's pitch in somehow to help these office seekers! Let us do Maryland proud and turn the whole state BLUE!!! |
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Mon Jun 18, 2007 at 11:39:54 AM EDT
The Baltimore Sun has a decent rundown of the Al Wynn-Donna Edwards congressional primary, but it's hobbled by the fact that it tries to shoehorn the race into a larger narrative about the Democrats and Iraq. Not that that's unimportant -- the Congressional leadership, including Maryland's own Steny Hoyer, needs to do more to push for withdrawal -- but I don't think it accurately represents the dynamics of the 4th congressional primary. This isn't a replay of Joe Lieberman v. Ned Lamont, to put it simply. Though it's only mentioned in passing, domestic issues, I think, will be the true battleground here. Anything related to campaign finance reform, in particular, will be especially charged; as Andy pointed out, Wynn's record of dependence on corporate donors ought to be a major vulnerablity for him in his district (as illustrated by this mailing from the last election). I hope future coverage of the race goes in this direction, rather than assuming that, because it's an intra-Democratic fight, it must be about Iraq. I did like this bit, however: The problem, says Rep. Albert R. Wynn, is that he believed Vice President Dick Cheney.
So say we all. |
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Wed Jun 13, 2007 at 12:53:37 PM EDT
Shorter Brian Griffiths: When Republicans mount a primary challenge against one of their incumbents, it's holding their feet to the fire. When Democrats do the same, it's CANNIBALISM! Snark aside, I think it's unfortunate that primary challenges are typically greeted with such disdain -- remember how shocked many pundits were at Ned Lamont daring to challenge Joe Lieberman in Connecticut? But there's no reason an incumbent has a right to his party's nomination, any more than he has a right to his office. If Donna Edwards (or Andrew Harris, for that matter) believe that their districts aren't being adequately represented in Congress, then they should have the opportunity to make their case to the voters. Also, remember that the Maryland 4th is an overwhelmingly Democratic district, so the criteria for what makes a good representative is much different than it would for, say, a Senate race, where one has to account for a variety of political attitudes to appeal to. Here, the primary election is the election, effectively, so the question of who's the better progressive is, ultimately, the only one that matters. |
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Wed Jun 13, 2007 at 01:26:55 AM EDT
Matt Stoller lays out the case against Al Wynn, while Markos explains why Donna Edwards is a winning candidate. Art Brodsky weighs in as well. I agree with pretty much everything they say. Wynn's about face on Iraq is welcome, of course, but it hasn't been accompanied by a shift in domestic policy -- if I'm not mistaken, he hasn't repudiated his votes for ending the estate tax or for revising bankruptcy laws in favor of credit card companies, and he's still in the Verizon/Comcast camp when it comes to net neutrality and other Internet issues. Even on Iraq, keep in mind that Wynn was undecided on the initial supplemental bill this year until he came around at the last minute -- though, to be fair, so were other anti-war Democrats. One other thing to consider is that, though most observers, including the liberal blogs, are portraying this race as an establishment v. netroots struggle in the mold of Joe Lieberman v. Ned Lamont, the local dimension to the race shouldn't be ignored. Wynn will probably be calling in favors from Maryland's Democratic establishment, and the race will likely split the party in unpredictable ways, as Peter Franchot's endorsement of Wynn already shows. Also note, as Jill Tubman does, that the divide between Wynn and Edwards mirrors a divide between the older African-American political establishment, the Congressional Black Caucus in particular, and younger black activists. This is very much reflected in Prince George's County, which covers much of the 4th District and is majority African-American: In addition to nearly tossing out Wynn last year, voters there almost replaced County Executive Jack Johnson, whose cloud of corruption is nearly as big as Wynn's, with former Del. Rushern Baker. However, both challengers were rare exceptions in a county where most incumbents face little opposition in the Democratic primary, and certainly none in the general. If Edwards can pull off a victory this time around, it could spell a shift toward more open, accountable government in Prince George's and in Maryland. |
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